
Fedora 13 - Initial Thoughts - Good to Go

With the release of Fedora 13 about a week ago, I decided that my Fedora 11 workstation was getting a little long in the tooth and was due for an upgrade (not to mention the fact that Fedora 11 will go End-Of-Life [EOL] in about 2 weeks.).

I have a separate /home parition so I wasn't too worried about losing stuff, but I opted for an upgrade instead of a clean install. I backed up /etc just in case and dropped to runlevel 3 and ran the preupgrade-cli client that Fedora provides for upgrading. That process ran smoothly and it prompted me to reboot to being the upgrade.

Drupal and mod_security - Part Deux

If you have recently updated to the most recent mod_security RPM from Fedora and you are running Drupal, you've probably noticed that certain things don't work correctly. Most specifically, some of the system CSS pages and tabs look funny, and if you're using the pathauto module with the default URL aliases you are probably get a Forbidden (or HTTP 403) when you try to access your content.

Related Story: 

Quick and dirty recording of stereo mix on a Linux box

Last night I wanted to record some things (for personal use only) coming out of the stereo mix on my Linux workstation (currently running Fedora 11 x64). In the past I've been able to use Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/) - the awesome open source and free audio editing software available for Linux, Mac, and Windows. For some reason I wasn't able to get Audacity to pick up the stereo mix as an input so I searched around to find out how I could record the stereo mix coming out of a Linux workstations soundcard. Here's what I found ...

Fedora RPM Packages of Google Chromium

So I've wanted to try out Google Chrome on Fedora, but I'm kind of a purist in that I only like to install software on my workstation that comes packaged in an RPM. Many times if software is not available in RPM format I'll build my own with our in-house Koji buildsystem. Koji is the same system that the Fedora Project uses to build it's packages (http://koji.fedoraproject.org).

Asterisk GUI RPM

So I was building RPM packages for the Asterisk GUI when it was the 1.0 branch. I haven't done work on the package in quite a while and I finally got around to building some new RPM packages for Fedora.

These Asterisk GUI RPMs are from the current SVN 2.0 branch and the SVN revision number is in the package name (e.g. RPM asterisk-gui-0.4986-3.fc11.noarch.rpm is SVN version 4986).

I try to do basic testing with the RPMs after they are built and they WorkForMe(tm) before I post them. YMMV.

[UPDATE] PXE booting qemu-kvm VMs with Windows DHCP and WDS

OK, so I now have a combination of things that will successfully PXE boot a Linux qemu-kvm virtual machine with Windows DHCP services and Windows Deployment Services (WDS). I'm using the gPXE CD ISO image to PXE boot the VMs. Now the WDS PXE process works as expected.

We have our WDS/RIS server setup similar to the following wiki article on the syslinux wiki:


Here's what I did on my workstation (I'm using Fedora 11):

vmware server virtual machine will not power on - check the kvm linux kernel module

I've had this a couple of times now in the last few weeks. I wanted to try out the Linux KVM virtualization hypervisor that comes with Fedora 11 since VMware Server 2 is giving my fits on F11 x86_64 so I installed qemu and all the supporting packages via yum.

I realized that I can't do some things with KVM that I can with VMware Server so I'm putting up with the signal 6 crashes every week or so and went back to VMware Server 2.0.1 for Linux. In order to get that running I had to apply some patches to get the kernel modules compiled but that's been done for a while.

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